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Famous Quotes by Stephen Hawking about Humanity Quotes

1. "The universe doesn’t allow perfection." (Anxiety Quotes) Click to tweet

The universe doesn’t allow perfection. (Stephen Hawking);  #AnxietyQuotes
Note: Anxiety Quotes That Will Make You More Relaxed


2. "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet." (Best Quotes) Click to tweet

Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. (Stephen Hawking);  #BestQuotes
Note: The Best Quotes Of All Time (Use Them In Your Life)


3. "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." (Change Quotes) Click to tweet

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. (Stephen Hawking);  #ChangeQuotes
Note: Quotes About Change And Growth (To Improve Your Life)


4. "However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there’s life, there’s hope." (Hope Quotes) Click to tweet

However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there’s life, there’s hope. (Stephen Hawking);  #HopeQuotes
Note: Hope Quotes That Will Empower You


5. "The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. We are so insignificant that i can’t believe the whole universe exists for our benefit. That would be like saying that you would disappear if i closed my eyes." (Humanity Quotes) Click to tweet

6. "We are very, very small, but we are profoundly capable of very, very big things." (Humanity Quotes) Click to tweet

We are very, very small, but we are profoundly capable of very, very big things. (Stephen Hawking);  #HumanityQuotes
Note: Humanity Quotes That Will Inspire You To Change The World


7. "However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." (Life Quotes) Click to tweet

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. (Stephen Hawking);  #LifeQuotes
Note: Quotes In Life You Should Never Forget On Living


8. "However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." (Life Quotes) Click to tweet

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. (Stephen Hawking);  #LifeQuotes
Note: Inspiring Life Quotes That Will Move You (Deeply)


9. "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." (Short Quotes) Click to tweet

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. (Stephen Hawking);  #ShortQuotes
Note: Short Quotes That Will Inspire You (Fast)


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