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18 Famous Quotes by Michael about Knowledge Quotes

1. "Most peak experiences are behind discomfort gates. A society unable to handle discomfort is an impoverished one." (Fear Quotes) Click to tweet

Most peak experiences are behind discomfort gates. A society unable to handle discomfort is an impoverished one. (Michael);  #FearQuotes
Note: Fear Quotes That Will Make You More Courageous


2. "The ego is antifragile. When attacked it inflates to protect itself." (Fear Quotes) Click to tweet

The ego is antifragile. When attacked it inflates to protect itself. (Michael);  #FearQuotes
Note: Fear Quotes That Will Make You More Courageous


3. "The more primitive your building blocks, the more complex the structures are that you can build. Think from first principles." (Knowledge Quotes) Click to tweet

The more primitive your building blocks, the more complex the structures are that you can build. Think from first principles. (Michael);  #KnowledgeQuotes
Note: Knowledge Quotes That Will Bring You True Wisdom


4. "The greatest sin for the highly credentialed is thinking that’s enough to guarantee success. The greatest sin for the lowly credentialed is thinking that’s enough to guarantee failure." (Knowledge Quotes) Click to tweet

The greatest sin for the highly credentialed is thinking that’s enough to guarantee success. The greatest sin for the lowly credentialed is thinking that’s enough to guarantee failure. (Michael);  #KnowledgeQuotes
Note: Knowledge Quotes That Will Bring You True Wisdom


5. "Wisdom is cheaper than execution." (Knowledge Quotes) Click to tweet

Wisdom is cheaper than execution. (Michael);  #KnowledgeQuotes
Note: Knowledge Quotes That Will Bring You True Wisdom


6. "If your goal is lasting insight, consuming news that will be irrelevant next week is a bad strategy." (Knowledge Quotes) Click to tweet

If your goal is lasting insight, consuming news that will be irrelevant next week is a bad strategy. (Michael);  #KnowledgeQuotes
Note: Knowledge Quotes That Will Bring You True Wisdom


7. "In an age of information abundance, the only things that really need to be taught are those that are counterintuitive." (Knowledge Quotes) Click to tweet

In an age of information abundance, the only things that really need to be taught are those that are counterintuitive. (Michael);  #KnowledgeQuotes
Note: Knowledge Quotes That Will Bring You True Wisdom


8. "The construction timeline of knowledge is similar to a skyscraper, too. Takes forever for the hole to be dug and the foundation poured, then the facade appears quickly." (Knowledge Quotes) Click to tweet

The construction timeline of knowledge is similar to a skyscraper, too. Takes forever for the hole to be dug and the foundation poured, then the facade appears quickly. (Michael);  #KnowledgeQuotes
Note: Knowledge Quotes That Will Bring You True Wisdom


9. "The best way to consume daily news is through a foreign language news outlet. That way, at least you’ll learn something (the language)." (Learning Quotes) Click to tweet

The best way to consume daily news is through a foreign language news outlet. That way, at least you’ll learn something (the language). (Michael);  #LearningQuotes
Note: Inspirational Learning Quotes That Will Grow Your Mind


10. "Education does not happen on discrete intervals, it’s the sum of all information you digest. To be educated, it’s just as important to cut low quality info as it is to increase high quality info." (Learning Quotes) Click to tweet

Education does not happen on discrete intervals, it’s the sum of all information you digest. To be educated, it’s just as important to cut low quality info as it is to increase high quality info. (Michael);  #LearningQuotes
Note: Inspirational Learning Quotes That Will Grow Your Mind


11. "You learn more feigning ignorance than signaling knowledgeability." (Learning Quotes) Click to tweet

You learn more feigning ignorance than signaling knowledgeability. (Michael);  #LearningQuotes
Note: Inspirational Learning Quotes That Will Grow Your Mind


12. "A lot of successful people who say “work smart, not hard” worked like dogs to get established." (Perseverance Quotes) Click to tweet

A lot of successful people who say “work smart, not hard” worked like dogs to get established. (Michael);  #PerseveranceQuotes
Note: Perseverance Quotes That Will Make You Stronger


13. "It’s hard to prioritize the long term when you think you should feel comfortable in every moment." (Perseverance Quotes) Click to tweet

It’s hard to prioritize the long term when you think you should feel comfortable in every moment. (Michael);  #PerseveranceQuotes
Note: Perseverance Quotes That Will Make You Stronger


14. "The harder i work the more work capacity i develop." (Perseverance Quotes) Click to tweet

The harder i work the more work capacity i develop. (Michael);  #PerseveranceQuotes
Note: Perseverance Quotes That Will Make You Stronger


15. "What kills peer relationships is hierarchy. Since hierarchy emerges automatically in groups, avoid crowds." (Relationship Quotes) Click to tweet

What kills peer relationships is hierarchy. Since hierarchy emerges automatically in groups, avoid crowds. (Michael);  #RelationshipQuotes
Note: Relationship Quotes That Will Make You More Connected


16. "Advice for nearly everything: start slowly and maintain traction." (Stoic Quotes) Click to tweet

Advice for nearly everything: start slowly and maintain traction. (Michael);  #StoicQuotes
Note: Top Stoic Quotes That Will Give You Perspective


17. "It’s hard to prioritize the long term when you think you should feel comfortable in every moment." (Stoic Quotes) Click to tweet

It’s hard to prioritize the long term when you think you should feel comfortable in every moment. (Michael);  #StoicQuotes
Note: Top Stoic Quotes That Will Give You Perspective


18. "Advice for nearly everything: start slowly and maintain traction." (Words of Wisdom) Click to tweet

Advice for nearly everything: start slowly and maintain traction. (Michael);  #WordsofWisdom
Note: Fascinating Wisdom Quotes From The Best Minds (Ever)


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