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11 Helpful Depression Quotes

1. "Offer whatever light you can."Click to tweet

Offer whatever light you can.FALSE
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


2. "I’m tired. “go to sleep then”. No, you don’t understand."Click to tweet

I’m tired. “go to sleep then”. No, you don’t understand.FALSE
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


3. "Being depressed, all i needed was someone who could listen to me, believe in me, encourage me, but most of all, understand me." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

Being depressed, all i needed was someone who could listen to me, believe in me, encourage me, but most of all, understand me. (Maxime Lagace);  #DepressionQuotes
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


4. "Listen. Really, really listen if someone opens up to you about their mental health. A response isn’t always needed, but a compassionate ear is." (The Anxiety Man) Click to tweet

Listen. Really, really listen if someone opens up to you about their mental health. A response isn’t always needed, but a compassionate ear is. (The Anxiety Man);  #DepressionQuotes
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


5. "We can’t take away the suffering of others. What we can do is show up for them. And in doing so, take away the pain of having to suffer alone." (Jason Garner) Click to tweet

We can’t take away the suffering of others. What we can do is show up for them. And in doing so, take away the pain of having to suffer alone. (Jason Garner);  #DepressionQuotes
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


6. "If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather." (Stephen Fry) Click to tweet

If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather. (Stephen Fry);  #DepressionQuotes
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


7. "Please be aware, i am trying my hardest to push through the pain, the exhaustion and fatigue, the brain fog, the insomnia, the fear, the guilt, the judgement, the relentlessness of it all. All the time." (Mental Health Notes) Click to tweet

Please be aware, i am trying my hardest to push through the pain, the exhaustion and fatigue, the brain fog, the insomnia, the fear, the guilt, the judgement, the relentlessness of it all. All the time. (Mental Health Notes);  #DepressionQuotes
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


8. "How to help people struggling with their mental health: learn about mental health, go to visit them, give practical support, ask other people to help, listen to them, give them a hug, celebrate their small steps." (Mental Health Notes) Click to tweet

How to help people struggling with their mental health: learn about mental health, go to visit them, give practical support, ask other people to help, listen to them, give them a hug, celebrate their small steps. (Mental Health Notes);  #DepressionQuotes
Note: Depression Quotes That Will Help You Feel Better


9. "What not to say to someone with anxiety: quit being dramatic, you need to toughen up, you’re just lazy, when are you going to grow up?, pull yourself together.try one of these instead: i know this is hard for you, take some time, it’s okay, how can i help?" (Mental Health Notes) Click to tweet

10. "If you have a friend going through a crisis, never say “if i can help, let me know.” It sounds vague, perfunctory. I try to always say: “please tell me what i can do to help: i want to help you.” Friendship is a commitment: always show up in a crisis." (Johann Hari) Click to tweet

11. "With the right help, we can understand these problems and we can fix these problems together. But to do that, the very first step is we have to stop insulting these signals by saying they’re a sign of weakness, or madness or purely biological, except for a tiny number of people." (Johann Hari) Click to tweet

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