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9 Sayings of Montenegro Origin

1. "Even the grave of the Lord has a paid guard." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

Even the grave of the Lord has a paid guard. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


2. "Once a word has been uttered it belongs to those who hear it." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

Once a word has been uttered it belongs to those who hear it. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


3. "Common grief is lighter to bear." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

Common grief is lighter to bear. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


4. "Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


5. "The Pope and a peasant know more than the Pope alone." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

The Pope and a peasant know more than the Pope alone. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


6. "Better an apple pie than apple blossom." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

Better an apple pie than apple blossom. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


7. "It's better to drink and feel sick than not to drink and feel bad." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

It's better to drink and feel sick than not to drink and feel bad. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


8. "Winter finds out what summer lays up." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

Winter finds out what summer lays up. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


9. "When three wise men say you are an ass, bray." (Montenegro Sayings) Click to tweet

When three wise men say you are an ass, bray. (Montenegro Sayings);  #EuropeanSayings


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