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27 Sayings of Jordanian Origin

1. "What can you do? Such is life." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

What can you do? Such is life. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


2. "Don't give in one inch to the devil." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Don't give in one inch to the devil. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


3. "Being hit by a dear person or by your lover is like eating raisins." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Being hit by a dear person or by your lover is like eating raisins. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


4. "Get away from the evil and sing for him." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Get away from the evil and sing for him. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


5. "If the water is available you need not clean up with sand." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

If the water is available you need not clean up with sand. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


6. "If your dear one is a honey, do not lick it all." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

If your dear one is a honey, do not lick it all. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


7. "God's Word is alive with energy." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

God's Word is alive with energy. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


8. "Stretch your legs up to the size of your quilt." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Stretch your legs up to the size of your quilt. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


9. "Eating and grazing and no job to do." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Eating and grazing and no job to do. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


10. "The glory is for the rice, and the bulgur wheat has hanged itself." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

The glory is for the rice, and the bulgur wheat has hanged itself. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


11. "If you have no shame, then do whatever you want." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

If you have no shame, then do whatever you want. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


12. "If destiny does not fit you, fit yourself to destiny." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

If destiny does not fit you, fit yourself to destiny. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


13. "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


14. "The unlucky are unlucky even if they hang a lantern on their head." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

The unlucky are unlucky even if they hang a lantern on their head. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


15. "In the desert of life the wise person travels with a group, while the fool prefers to travel alone." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

In the desert of life the wise person travels with a group, while the fool prefers to travel alone. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


16. "Trust in Allah, but tie your camel." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Trust in Allah, but tie your camel. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


17. "Sometimes coincidence is better than a thousand meetings." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Sometimes coincidence is better than a thousand meetings. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


18. "Who knows and who does not know will say a full hand of lentils." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Who knows and who does not know will say a full hand of lentils. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


19. "All sunshine makes the desert." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

All sunshine makes the desert. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


20. "Like a deaf in the loud wedding party." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Like a deaf in the loud wedding party. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


21. "Nothing can scratch your skin but your nail." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Nothing can scratch your skin but your nail. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


22. "The Holy month of Ramadan is generous." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

The Holy month of Ramadan is generous. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


23. "Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


24. "Craziness is an art." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Craziness is an art. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


25. "A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


26. "Tomorrow the snow will melt and grass will appear." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Tomorrow the snow will melt and grass will appear. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


27. "Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy." (Jordanian Sayings) Click to tweet

Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy. (Jordanian Sayings);  #MiddleEasternSayings


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