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22 Steve Jobs Words On Culture, Arts And Music

1. "We want to stand at the intersection of computers and humanism." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
We want to stand at the intersection of computers and humanism. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

2. "Besides dylan, i was interested in eastern mysticism, which hit the shores at about the same time." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
Besides dylan, i was interested in eastern mysticism, which hit the shores at about the same time. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

3. "Learning to program teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
Learning to program teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

4. "The finest dozen computer scientists i know are all musicians." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
The finest dozen computer scientists i know are all musicians. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

5. "Leonardo da vinci was a great artist and a great scientist." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
Leonardo da vinci was a great artist and a great scientist. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

6. "Michelangelo knew a tremendous amount about how to cut stone at the quarry." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
Michelangelo knew a tremendous amount about how to cut stone at the quarry. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

7. "You know, dr. Edwin land was a troublemaker. He dropped out of harvard and founded polaroid." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
You know, dr. Edwin land was a troublemaker. He dropped out of harvard and founded polaroid. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

8. "Woz and i very much liked bob dylan’s poetry, and we spent a lot of time thinking about a lot of that stuff." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
Woz and i very much liked bob dylan’s poetry, and we spent a lot of time thinking about a lot of that stuff. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

9. "I started to listen to music a whole lot and i started to read more outside of just science and technology, shakespeare, plato. I loved ‘king lear’." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
I started to listen to music a whole lot and i started to read more outside of just science and technology, shakespeare, plato. I loved ‘king lear’. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

10. "Apple is about something more than that, apple, at the core, its core value, is that we believe that people with passion can change the world for the better." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
Apple is about something more than that, apple, at the core, its core value, is that we believe that people with passion can change the world for the better. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

11. "How do you know the direction to head with products? It boils down to taste. Emerge yourself with the best ideas from the humanities. And integrate them. Pull interests from diverse areas." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
How do you know the direction to head with products? It boils down to taste. Emerge yourself with the best ideas from the humanities. And integrate them. Pull interests from diverse areas. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

12. "A lot of people that would have been artists and scientists have gone into this field to express their feeling and so it seemed like the right thing to do." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
A lot of people that would have been artists and scientists have gone into this field to express their feeling and so it seemed like the right thing to do. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

13. "The key thing that comes true is that they had a variety of experiences which they could draw upon, in order to try to solve a problem or to attack a particular dilemma in a kind of unique way." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
The key thing that comes true is that they had a variety of experiences which they could draw upon, in order to try to solve a problem or to attack a particular dilemma in a kind of unique way. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

14. "On dr. Edwin land: not only was he one of the great inventors of our time but, more important, he saw the intersection of art and science and business and built an organization to reflect that." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
On dr. Edwin land: not only was he one of the great inventors of our time but, more important, he saw the intersection of art and science and business and built an organization to reflect that. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

15. "What are we, anyway? Most of what we think we are is just a collection of likes and dislikes, habits, patterns. At the core of what we are is our values, and what decisions and actions we make reflect those values." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet
What are we, anyway? Most of what we think we are is just a collection of likes and dislikes, habits, patterns. At the core of what we are is our values, and what decisions and actions we make reflect those values. (Steve Jobs);  #SteveJobsQuotes
Note: Amazing Steve Jobs Quotes (That Will Motivate You)

16. "Picasso had a saying: good artists copy, great artists steal. And we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas, and i think part of what made the macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians and poets and artists and zoologists and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

17. "On why he made everybody sign the mac cases: because the people that worked on it consider themselves and i certainly consider them artists. These are the people that under different circumstances would be painters and poets but because of that time that we live in this new medium has appeared in which to express oneself to one’s fellow species and that’s a medium of computing." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

18. "The finest dozen computer scientists i know are all musicians. Some are better than others, but they all consider that an important part of their life. I don’t believe that the best people in any of these fields see themselves as one branch of a forked tree. I just don’t see that. People bring these things together a lot." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

19. "Anyway, one of our biggest challenges, and the one i think john sculley and i should be judged on in five to ten years, is making apple an incredibly great 10 or 20 billion-dollar company. ‘will it still have the spirit it does today?’ we’re charting new territory." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

20. "If apple becomes a place where computers are a commodity item, where the romance is done, and where people forget that computers are the most incredible invention that man has ever invented, i’ll feel i have lost apple. But if i’m a million miles away, and all those people still feel those things… then i will feel that my genes are still there." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

21. "You need a very product-oriented culture, even in a technology company. Lots of companies have tons of great engineers and smart people. But ultimately, there needs to be some gravitational force that pulls it all together. Otherwise, you can get great pieces of technology all floating around the universe. But it doesn’t add up to much." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

22. "We did itunes because we all love music. We made what we thought was the best jukebox in itunes. Then we all wanted to carry our whole music libraries around with us. The team worked really hard. And the reason that they worked so hard is because we all wanted one. You know? I mean, the first few hundred customers were us." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

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