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272 Encouraging Quotes

1. "I’m proud of you. I hope that you are proud of you too." (Fred Rogers) Click to tweet
I’m proud of you. I hope that you are proud of you too. (Fred Rogers);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

2. "You’re tired and scared. Happens to everyone, okay? Just don’t let your feet stop." (Haruki Murakami) Click to tweet

3. "Soon, when all is well, you’re going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up." (Brittany Burgunder) Click to tweet

4. "Trying and struggling looks like incompetence right up until the moment it looks like success." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet

5. "No matter what, just keep going." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

6. "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." (C.S. Lewis) Click to tweet

7. "But if a thing is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

8. "You can make a difference, and you can make it now. You can make a difference, in your own life, in your family, your community, your world." (Ralph Marston) Click to tweet

9. "Your own positive future begins in this moment. All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

10. "“you’re going to be happy”, said life, “but first i’ll make you strong”." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

11. "Don’t worry about all of the steps. Begin." (Bob Goff) Click to tweet

12. "Relax. One bad chapter does not mean it’s the end of the book." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

13. "When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

14. "There are days that life is about dreams, goals, brightness. And there are days that life is just about putting foot in front of the other and continue walking – there is nothing wrong about this." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

15. "I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

16. "Often out of periods of losing come the greatest strivings toward a new winning streak." (Fred Rogers) Click to tweet

17. "Progress is almost never linear. Ups and downs and bursts." (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) Click to tweet

18. "Every day of our lives, we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference." (Mignon McLaughlin) Click to tweet

19. "You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day." (Marian Wright Edelman) Click to tweet

20. "The path through trouble is always made a step at a time, a breath at a time, a day at a time." (Jack Kornfield) Click to tweet

21. "It’s okay to feel lost, it’s okay to feel pain, it’s okay to feel hopeless. What’s not okay is thinking life will be easy. Stay strong my friend." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

22. "I will keep preaching this to myself and others: there are no problems, only projects." (David Allen) Click to tweet

23. "It is totally unproductive to think the world has been unfair to you. Every tough stretch is an opportunity." (Charlie Munger) Click to tweet

24. "Throughout your life you will encounter tedious situations, and you must cultivate the ability to handle them with discipline." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

25. "Not seeing results? Feel like giving up? Consider this: the last thing to grow on a fruit tree… is the fruit. Doing amazing sh*t takes time. You want that fruit you gotta stay after it." (Tom Bilyeu) Click to tweet

26. "It’s not too late to recover. You’re young, you’re tough. You’re adaptable. You can patch up your wounds, lift your head, and move on." (Haruki Murakami) Click to tweet

27. "Get a move on… don’t worry whether anyone will give you credit for it… be satisfied with even the smallest progress, and treat the outcome of it all as unimportant." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

28. "The only way that you’re ever going to get to the other side of this journey is by suffering. You have to suffer in order to grow. Some people get it, some people don’t." (David Goggins) Click to tweet

29. "If you haven’t started, then taking action is more important than finding the best strategy. If you’re already taking action, then ensuring you’re working on the right thing is more important than working harder. Your effort sets your floor. Your strategy sets your ceiling." (James Clear) Click to tweet

30. "Remember: everything hard will be painful, but just because there is pain doesn’t mean you have to suffer." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

31. "One of the most important skills i’ve built is the ability to sit with discomfort. Being able to be uncomfortable (bored, on the receiving end of anger, in pain) and not needing to escape has changed my happiness and my life." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

32. "The first step to overcoming failure is to fully admit you have failed. Admitting it will put your mind at ease and help you to see what you ought to do next." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

33. "When we look at our lives as a whole, our current difficulty is like a cloud. Although large, it will soon pass." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

34. "Pick your one overwhelming desire. It’s okay to suffer over that one." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

35. "This too shall pass."Click to tweet
This too shall pass.FALSE
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

36. "If you’re going through hell, keep going." (Winston Churchill) Click to tweet

37. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." (Winston Churchill) Click to tweet

38. "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." (Theodore Roosevelt) Click to tweet

39. "You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones." (Augustine of Hippo) Click to tweet

40. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." (Confucius) Click to tweet

41. "There’s value in disaster. All our mistakes burned up. Thank god we can start again." (Thomas A. Edison) Click to tweet

42. "There are some defeats more triumphant than victories." (Michel de Montaigne) Click to tweet

43. "No matter how difficult the past, you can always begin again today." (Jack Kornfield) Click to tweet

44. "Choose to be optimistic, it feels better." (Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

45. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." (Albert Einstein) Click to tweet

46. "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." (Henry Ford) Click to tweet

47. "Everybody has goals, aspirations or whatever, and everybody has been at a point in their life where nobody believed in them." (Eminem) Click to tweet

48. "Frame your mind to mirth and merriment which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life." (William Shakespeare) Click to tweet

49. "Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

50. "In the midst of winter, i find within me the invisible summer." (Leo Tolstoy) Click to tweet

51. "Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." (Dale Carnegie) Click to tweet

52. "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." (Maya Angelou) Click to tweet

53. "It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default." (J.K. Rowling) Click to tweet

54. "Instruction does much, but encouragement everything." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) Click to tweet

55. "I am not what happened to me, i am what i choose to become." (Carl Jung) Click to tweet

56. "We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough." (Helen Keller) Click to tweet

57. "One day at a time." (Haruki Murakami) Click to tweet
One day at a time. (Haruki Murakami);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

58. "Courage, dear heart." (C.S. Lewis) Click to tweet

59. "Hope springs forever." (J.K. Rowling) Click to tweet

60. "Inhale courage. Exhale fear." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

61. "What a difference a day makes." (Haruki Murakami) Click to tweet

62. "He who limps is still walking." (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec) Click to tweet

63. "Within you are so many answers." (Douglas Pagels) Click to tweet

64. "If it’s not okay, it’s not over." (Haruki Murakami) Click to tweet

65. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." (Japanese Proverb) Click to tweet

66. "Where you are, is not who you are."Click to tweet

67. "The best way out is always through." (Robert Frost) Click to tweet

68. "Perhaps i am stronger than i think." (Thomas Merton) Click to tweet

69. "Encouragement is oxygen for the soul." (John C. Maxwell) Click to tweet

70. "The nature of this flower is to bloom." (Alice Walker) Click to tweet

71. "The beginnings of all things are small." (Cicero) Click to tweet

72. "You’re not too old and it’s not too late." (Lori Deschene) Click to tweet

73. "Your largest fear carries your greatest growth."Click to tweet

74. "You can climb that mountain, you can reach the top." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

75. "Stay humble, do your best, and the rest will follow." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

76. "Your doubts create mountains, but your actions move them." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

77. "Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay." (Simone de Beauvoir) Click to tweet
Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay. (Simone de Beauvoir);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

78. "Don’t wait for a time when you’re free of fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway." (Gabby Bernstein) Click to tweet

79. "For everyone who’s been afraid to step up… this is for you. Decide to do it and the universe will support you." (Gabby Bernstein) Click to tweet

80. "Cultivate a fearless approach to life, attack everything with boldness and energy." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

81. "Reaching your dream will be tough. The road will be long and dark. But in the end, it will be worth it." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

82. "Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be." (Rick Warren) Click to tweet

83. "If you want something, start working for it now. Don’t wait for anything. The clock is ticking." (Joe De Sana) Click to tweet

84. "You’re tired. You’re stressed. You’re mentally and physically drained. You feel alone. Struggling with the present, uncertain of the future. Life sucks right now. You’ll be fine. I promise… it gets better. Just keep moving forward." (Ralph Napolitano) Click to tweet

85. "You can be ten times what you are today at anything. And the only thing that holds you back is disciplined effort and a refusal to quit." (Tom Bilyeu) Click to tweet

86. "Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds." (Louisa May Alcott) Click to tweet

87. "Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow." (Doug Firebaugh) Click to tweet

88. "Courage is not a state. It’s an action that you need to practice everyday. When you practice everyday, you feel proud, powerful, build authentic pride in yourself, and create real confidence." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

89. "There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes." (Leo Tolstoy) Click to tweet

90. "A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change a life. A word of encouragement from a spouse can save a marriage. A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential." (John C. Maxwell) Click to tweet

91. "Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be." (Stephen R. Covey) Click to tweet

92. "When you have something you want to do in your life: just fuc*ing do it. Don’t second guess yourself, don’t overthink it. Go with your instincts and have a bias to action." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

93. "Some people spend their whole lives waiting for the sound of a starting gun that never goes off. Don’t wait. Pull the trigger yourself." (The Stoic Emperor) Click to tweet

94. "Replace every “what if” with “why the hell not?”" (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet
Replace every “what if” with “why the hell not?” (Mel Robbins);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

95. "So far you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. You’re doing great."Click to tweet

96. "There is hardship in everything except eating pancakes." (Charles Spurgeon) Click to tweet

97. "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." (Anne Lamott) Click to tweet

98. "Courage in the path is what makes the path manifest itself." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet
Courage in the path is what makes the path manifest itself. (Paulo Coelho);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

99. "You either walk inside your own story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness." (Brené Brown) Click to tweet

100. "What if everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for?" (Justin Perry) Click to tweet

101. "We are like the little branch that quivers during a storm, doubting our strength and forgetting we are the tree – deeply rooted to withstand all of life’s upheavals." (Dodinsky) Click to tweet

102. "The more you hope, the more you suffer. The more you suffer and keep going, the closer you get to your goal." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

103. "The darkest night that ever fell upon the earth never hid the light, never put out the stars. It only made the stars more keenly, kindly glancing, as if in protest against the darkness." (George Eliot) Click to tweet

104. "We deserve some respect. You deserve some respect. You are important to other people, as much as to yourself. You have some vital role to play in the unfolding destiny of the world." (Jordan Peterson) Click to tweet

105. "Everything in life is a mind game! Whenever we get swept under by life’s dramas, large and small, we are forgetting that no matter how bad the pain gets, no matter how harrowing the torture, all bad things end." (David Goggins) Click to tweet

106. "Stop making excuses. Stop being a victim. Take personal responsibility. Hold yourself accountable. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. And finally, make your dreams come true." (David Goggins) Click to tweet

107. "Don’t you know that day dawns after night, showers displace drought, and spring and summer follow winter? Then, have hope! Hope forever, for god will not fail you!" (Charles Spurgeon) Click to tweet

108. "God uses suffering as a whetstone, to make men sharp with." (Henry Ward Beecher) Click to tweet

109. "Curious that we spend more time congratulating people who have succeeded than encouraging people who have not." (Neil deGrasse Tyson) Click to tweet

110. "We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." (Kurt Vonnegut) Click to tweet

111. "Effort, not genetics, is within your control." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet
Effort, not genetics, is within your control. (Shane Parrish);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

112. "Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing." (Lucy Maud Montgomery) Click to tweet

113. "What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better." (Wendell Phillips) Click to tweet

114. "Nobody starts with all the answers. The path to the summit is not fully visible from base camp." (James Clear) Click to tweet

115. "A fool’s answer is to work harder. A wise man stops, reflects, and simply takes the right direction." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

116. "Have patience. Wait until the mud settles and the water is clear. Remain unmoving until right action arises by itself." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

117. "Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the universe." (Zhuangzi) Click to tweet

118. "On the path to successful action, we will fail – possibly many times. And that’s okay. It can be a good thing, even. Action and failure are two sides of the same coin. One doesn’t come without the other." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

119. "Dispelling dread isn’t a matter of trying to forget about washing dishes. It is realizing that in actual fact you only have one dish to wash, ever: this one; only one step to take, ever: this one. And that is zen." (Alan Watts) Click to tweet

120. "When life is good, do not take it for granted. It will pass. When life falls apart, this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns." (Ajahn Brahm) Click to tweet

121. "Learn from your past experiences, but don’t get stuck in them. Your past should be a teacher, not a jailer. Don’t squander the present dueling with the shadows of the past. This moment is alive with possibility." (The Stoic Emperor) Click to tweet

122. "Accepting the inevitable is the beginning of strength and freedom. Embrace all chaos that is out of your control. This is how it is. Why should it be otherwise? Move the levers that are within your grasp. Sharpen the blade of will. Strike with precision. Accept and endure." (The Stoic Emperor) Click to tweet

123. "Nothing is ever as it seems. What looks bad today, can be a blessing tomorrow." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

124. "Where you stumble and fall, there you will find gold." (Joseph Campbell) Click to tweet

125. "If you really want to change your life, start immediately." (Osho) Click to tweet
If you really want to change your life, start immediately. (Osho);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

126. "Hope is a passion for the possible." (Soren Kierkegaard) Click to tweet

127. "You can’t change your future if you don’t have hope. You can’t change your life if you don’t take action." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

128. "The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them." (Bernard Baruch) Click to tweet

129. "Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way." (Jenni Young) Click to tweet

130. "Some days, doing “the best we can” may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect – on any front – and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else." (Fred Rogers) Click to tweet

131. "To hope means to be ready at every moment for that which is not yet born, and yet not become desperate if there is no birth in our lifetime." (Emily Dickinson) Click to tweet

132. "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." (Desmond Tutu) Click to tweet

133. "As much as it is necessary to be hard on yourself when you’re acting weak – it’s necessary to pat yourself on the back when you perform well." (Life Math Money) Click to tweet

134. "Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later." (Bob Goff) Click to tweet

135. "The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

136. "Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark." (Rabindranath Tagore) Click to tweet

137. "It’s okay not to be okay – as long as you are not giving up." (Karen Salmansohn) Click to tweet

138. "Screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail." (William Shakespeare) Click to tweet
Screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail. (William Shakespeare);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

139. "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality in the mind next to honor." (Aristotle) Click to tweet

140. "Failure is success in progress." (Albert Einstein) Click to tweet

141. "It takes errors to see what you’re doing incorrectly. It takes courage to try again and succeed." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

142. "Failure is just another way to learn how to do something right." (Marian Wright Edelman) Click to tweet

143. "When you get through this, you are going to be something else, a better, stronger you!" (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

144. "You tried? Try harder. It hurt? Get hurt again. You failed? Fail again. You lost? Lose again. You’ll never win until you learn to lose and keep moving forward." (Ralph Napolitano) Click to tweet

145. "Courage is your birthright. It’s inside each and every one of us. You were born with it, and you can tap into it anytime you want." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

146. "Humor is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence. Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them, joke over your troubles but gather strength from them, make a jest of your difficulties but overcome them." (Lucy Maud Montgomery) Click to tweet

147. "If you’re in a tough situation or facing difficulty, try reframing the issue into a positive that works in your favor. Bad breakup? Good, now you have more time to work on yourself. Failed a test? Good, now you can study harder and learn more. Bad becomes good." (Paul Domenick) Click to tweet

148. "Remembering what you’ve been through and how that has strengthened your mindset can lift you out of a negative brain loop and help you bypass those weak, one-second impulses to give in." (David Goggins) Click to tweet

149. "At the end of the day, hard work may not be enough. You still may fail. But you keep going out there and go after it." (David Goggins) Click to tweet

150. "Always ask what the universe is trying to teach you. Especially when it is punching you in the face!" (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

151. "We are trained to think life progresses linearly. It isn’t: we experience setbacks all the time. Injuries while training for a marathon, upset customers or lost sales, bad days on the path to enlightenment. Don’t be discouraged: everyone trips up some of the time." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

152. "No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around."Click to tweet

153. "When you are going through difficult times, remember: you might have lost some major battles, but you survived and you’re still here. That is a victory. Show your happiness and celebrate your ability to go forward." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

154. "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." (Harriet Beecher Stowe) Click to tweet

155. "Never give in… never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." (Winston Churchill) Click to tweet

156. "Any kind of encounter with adversity or limitation, at any age, can serve as the crucible for forging the attitude [of fearlessness]." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

157. "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant." (Horace Mann) Click to tweet

158. "Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times i fell down, and got back up again." (Nelson Mandela) Click to tweet

159. "Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet
Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. (14th Dalai Lama);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

160. "The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us." (Gloria Steinem) Click to tweet

161. "The less you expect, the more you connect with reality. The more connect and accept reality, the happier you can be." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

162. "The climb to the top is better than the view from the peak. It’s progress, not perfection, that we really crave." (James Clear) Click to tweet

163. "Keep going. You’re doing great. You might not be where you want to be yet, but that’s okay. Just take it one step at a time and keep believing in yourself. And remember: no matter what happens, you can still enjoy your life and be happy." (Lori Deschene) Click to tweet

164. "Do only one thing at a time. When you walk, just enjoy walking. When you listen, really listen. You will become happier and more centered." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

165. "Do not let people’s opinions of you mold your destiny. Let unhappy people have their unhappy thoughts. Continue on your path courageously." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

166. "Happiness is always there. You just have to choose to see it. There’s no point dwelling in the dark and ignoring the light of the stars." (Carrie Hope Fletcher) Click to tweet

167. "Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity."Click to tweet

168. "Their pace is not your pace. Be patient with yourself. Find your pace. Find your peace." (Lin Manuel Miranda) Click to tweet

169. "Our joy does not have to be based on our circumstances." (Joyce Meyer) Click to tweet

170. "The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning." (Ivy Baker Priest) Click to tweet

171. "Let your strongest muscle be the will." (James Lendall Basford) Click to tweet
Let your strongest muscle be the will. (James Lendall Basford);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

172. "Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent." (Steve Martin) Click to tweet

173. "There is no giant step that does it. It’s a lot of little steps. You build yourself brick by brick. So go out and do the work. Day in and day out." (Tom Bilyeu) Click to tweet

174. "Start small. Build momentum. Never give up. Reach your dreams. Help others do the same." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

175. "On your journey to your dream, be ready to face oasis and deserts. In both cases, don’t stop." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

176. "Only 3 things can change our life: dreams, suffering and love." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

177. "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." (Thomas A. Edison) Click to tweet

178. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Click to tweet

179. "You might win some, you might lose some. But you go in, you challenge yourself, you become a better man, a better individual, a better fighter." (Conor McGregor) Click to tweet

180. "I’m asking you to make a commitment: find something you want to change in your community and take the first step toward changing it." (Barack Obama) Click to tweet

181. "When your way doesn’t work, don’t be disheartened. You must be willing to try another way." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

182. "A worthy goal: help as many people as possible fulfill their dreams, aspirations and goals." (George Raveling) Click to tweet

183. "Never let the scoreboard be the judge of success. Success and winning are two different things." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet

184. "99.99 percent of the time waiting for the right moment to do something hard is how you rationalize not doing that hard thing you know you needs to be done. There is no perfect moment. All we have is now. Stop waiting." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet

185. "Slow and steady often wins because it keeps you motivated. Take on manageable challenges and you’ll get frequent signals of progress. Bite off more than you can chew and progress stalls. When you make progress, you want to keep going. When you break progress, you want to stop." (James Clear) Click to tweet

186. "The world is a very malleable place. If you know what you want, and you go for it with maximum energy and drive and passion, the world will often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think." (Marc Andressen) Click to tweet

187. "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." (Og Mandino) Click to tweet

188. "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." (Jim Rohn) Click to tweet

189. "State what you want. Have the courage and the audacity to claim your dreams and goals." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

190. "I never dreamed about success. I worked for it." (Estee Lauder) Click to tweet

191. "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse." (Ryan Blair) Click to tweet

192. "No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up and show up." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet
No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up and show up. (Paulo Coelho);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

193. "You must always be prepared to place a bet on yourself, on your future, by heading in a direction that others seem to fear." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

194. "Let go of your need for comfort and security. Creative endeavors are by their nature uncertain." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

195. "When struggling to start, work on a smaller part. When struggling to finish, ship a smaller whole." (James Clear) Click to tweet

196. "Focus and simplicity are connected. If you can’t focus, then start cutting things out. When only the essential remains, it becomes easy to pay attention to the right thing." (James Clear) Click to tweet

197. "If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. And everyone who receives it – young or old, successful or less-than-successful, unknown or famous – is changed by it." (John C. Maxwell) Click to tweet

198. "It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential." (Greg McKeown) Click to tweet

199. "Work without hope or despair." (The School of Life) Click to tweet

200. "The most important thing in life is to stop saying ‘i wish’ and start saying ‘i will’. Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities." (Charles Dickens) Click to tweet

201. "Make big things by doing small things consistently. By working in small batches, you’ll accelerate feedback rates." (David Perell) Click to tweet

202. "The conditions you think you want are rarely the ones that help you produce your best work. You need the feedback of reality in order to keep your feet planted on the ground." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet

203. "I can’t remember a week where i’ve had so many amazing highs and so many terrible lows. The delta has never been so wide. But the messy middle isn’t something to be avoided. If you let it, it can show us who we really are and what we consider important." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet

204. "Something i wish everyone knew: the bar’s not as high as you think. You can get that job, meet that person, start that company. But because you think the bar’s so high, you won’t even try." (Sahil Lavingia) Click to tweet

205. "Don’t think you deserve the job? Apply for it anyways. Don’t think your article is good enough? Publish it anyways. Don’t think they’ll reply to your email? Send it anyways. Don’t self-reject." (Sahil Lavingia) Click to tweet

206. "Don’t focus on how great or terrible the things you’re making today are, but on how much better they will be if you keep going." (Sahil Lavingia) Click to tweet

207. "Having the self-belief that you will be able to figure things out as you go along is critical to success at anything hard. Get started and trust yourself. No one has all the answers at the beginning." (Sam Altman) Click to tweet

208. "Simplicity is the end result of long, hard work, not the starting point." (Frederick Maitland) Click to tweet

209. "Your voice is your biggest asset, because no one else has it. Find the courage to be you, to say what you feel and think. That’s the secret. No one else has your exact experience and perspective so take advantage of it." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

210. "One of the most important skills you can learn if you want to be better at your craft is problem solving. And patience." (Neil Strauss) Click to tweet

211. "Adversity is the first path to truth." (Lord Byron) Click to tweet
Adversity is the first path to truth. (Lord Byron);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

212. "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." (Eleanor Roosevelt) Click to tweet

213. "The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears." (John Vance Cheney) Click to tweet

214. "The only road that leads to serenity is acceptance." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

215. "Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow." (Dan Rather) Click to tweet

216. "Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim." (Vicki Harrison) Click to tweet

217. "There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

218. "Tragedies do happen. We can discover the reason, blame others, imagine how different our lives would be had they not occurred. But none of that is important: they did occur, and so be it. From there onward we must put aside the fear that they awoke in us and begin to rebuild." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

219. "Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." (Raymond Lindquist) Click to tweet

220. "The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter."Click to tweet

221. "Man performs and engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear. That’s how he finds that he can bear anything." (William Faulkner) Click to tweet

222. "Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." (Voltaire) Click to tweet

223. "Don’t forget: beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet
Don’t forget: beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies. (Paulo Coelho);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

224. "Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

225. "We can’t see the end of the river but it does end, in the ocean." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

226. "Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are." (Bernice Johnson Reagon) Click to tweet

227. "We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." (Kenji Miyazawa) Click to tweet

228. "Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding your self that everything happens for a reason." (John Mayer) Click to tweet

229. "Rock bottom is good solid ground, and a dead end street is just a place to turn around." (Buddy Buie and J.R. Cobb) Click to tweet

230. "I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong." (Audrey Hepburn) Click to tweet

231. "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." (Kahlil Gibran) Click to tweet

232. "A crisis can bring about despair, or it can summon forth the will to power renewal. A darkening hour motivates us to find a source of lasting light. Catastrophe can introduce us to heroic qualities we did not know we possessed. Courage and effort will light the dark." (The Stoic Emperor) Click to tweet

233. "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." (Helen Keller) Click to tweet

234. "Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end." (John Lennon) Click to tweet

235. "It’s ok to say “i don’t know”. The pleasure is in finding things out." (Richard Feynman) Click to tweet
It’s ok to say “i don’t know”. The pleasure is in finding things out. (Richard Feynman);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

236. "Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter." (Richard Feynman) Click to tweet

237. "Have you ever realized how unique and beautiful you are?" (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

238. "Failure is nothing to be ashamed of. Embrace it and you’ll take away most of its power." (Steven Pressfield) Click to tweet

239. "I have fallen in love with the imagination. And if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything." (Alice Walker) Click to tweet

240. "You don’t have to know how to do things perfectly the first time around. All you need to know is that you are doing the very best you can." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

241. "No one knows what they can do until they try." (Les Brown) Click to tweet

242. "The learning starts when things get difficult." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet
The learning starts when things get difficult. (Shane Parrish);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

243. "Not knowing is not failure. It’s the first step to understanding." (Richard Feynman) Click to tweet

244. "You are not weird. You are you, and that’s beautiful." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

245. "The pain and boredom we experience in the initial stage of learning a skill toughens our minds." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

246. "Fix the first problem fully and calmly before you even think about the second problem." (Robert Kurson) Click to tweet

247. "Take your time, don’t rush. Some problems are harder than others. Deal with the ones right in front of you first. Come back to the others later. You’ll get there." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

248. "Do not try to bypass the work of discovering your calling or imagine that it will simply come to you naturally. Although it may come to a few people early in life or in a lightning-bolt moment, for most of us it requires continual introspection and effort." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

249. "Be a student of the game. Like most clichés of sport, this is profound. You can be shaped, or you can be broken. There is not much in between. Try to learn. Be coachable. Try to learn from everybody, especially those who fail. This is hard. Peers who fizzle or blow up or fall down, run away, disappear from the monthly rankings, drop off the circuit." (David Foster Wallace) Click to tweet

250. "See failure as a beginning. Never stop learning. Assume nothing, question everything. Teach others what you know. Analyze objectively. Practice humility. Respect constructive criticism. Take initiative. Give credit where it’s due. Love what you do." (Richard Feynman) Click to tweet

251. "Failure can teach endurance or timidity. Make it the former. Knowing the taste of failure and risking it anyway… that is courage." (The Stoic Emperor) Click to tweet

252. "Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success." (J.K. Rowling) Click to tweet

253. "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." (Robert H. Schuller) Click to tweet

254. "Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim." (Nora Ephron) Click to tweet
Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. (Nora Ephron);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

255. "Life is never perfect. We all live some form of option b." (Sheryl Sandberg) Click to tweet

256. "Keep going, and don’t worry about your speed. You’re making progress, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Forward is forward, no matter how slow." (Lori Deschene) Click to tweet

257. "Men don’t say it enough but it’s true: women are superheros." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

258. "There is in every true woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity." (Washington Irving) Click to tweet

259. "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." (Marie Curie) Click to tweet

260. "Remind yourself right now that no matter what your life looks like, you are doing the best you can. And getting better." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

261. "When i see people stand fully in their truth, or when i see someone fall down, get back up, and say, “damn. That really hurts, but this is important to me and i’m going in again” – my gut reaction is, “what a badass”." (BrenĂ© Brown) Click to tweet

262. "I was once afraid of people saying, “who does she think she is?” Now i have the courage to stand and say, “this is who i am”." (Oprah Winfrey) Click to tweet

263. "You will fail sometimes, probably more than once. That’s okay. It happens to every single one of us. Just like any other skill you’ve built, repetition is key. Keep having the courage to try." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

264. "A depressing and difficult passage has prefaced every page i have turned in life." (Charlotte Bronte) Click to tweet

265. "Each subtle shift you make is a miracle. Subtle shifts add up to radical change." (Gabby Bernstein) Click to tweet

266. "Start from wherever you are and with whatever you’ve got." (Jim Rohn) Click to tweet
Start from wherever you are and with whatever you’ve got. (Jim Rohn);  #EncouragingQuotes
Note: Encouraging Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

267. "Build yourself up so that you are in a position to help others do the same." (Ed Latimore) Click to tweet

268. "Life becomes beautiful the day we stop believing it should be beautiful." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

269. "Breathe deeply and let go a bit, whatever amount you can. All week you worked hard; you tried your best; you gave it your all. Today it’s safe to rest. It’s okay to relax. Just breathe and allow the world to come to you. May you be peaceful. May you be safe. May you be at ease." (Jason Garner) Click to tweet

270. "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) Click to tweet

271. "In difficult moments do not despair or retreat: any situation can be turned around." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

272. "Take small bites. Before people realize it, you have accumulated an empire." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

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