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222 Calm Quotes

1. "Stay centered by accepting whatever happens to you. This is the ultimate." (Chuang Tzu) Click to tweet
Stay centered by accepting whatever happens to you. This is the ultimate. (Chuang Tzu);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

2. "The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

3. "A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

4. "Your life will be in order when disorder ceases to bother you." (James Pierce) Click to tweet

5. "People should learn how to just be there, doing nothing." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet

6. "You can’t force raging water to be calm. You have to leave it alone and let it return to its natural flow. Emotions are the same way."Click to tweet

7. "Insight emerges out of silence." (B.D. Schiers) Click to tweet

8. "When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere." (Francois de La Rochefoucauld) Click to tweet

9. "If he cannot stop the mind that seeks after fame and profit, he will spend his life without finding peace." (Dogen) Click to tweet

10. "Understand: presence of mind is the ability to detach yourself, to see the whole battlefield, the whole picture, with clarity." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

11. "Those who act with few desires are calm, without worry or fear." (Buddha) Click to tweet

12. "To be calm is the highest achievement of the self." (Zen Proverb) Click to tweet

13. "Decide that wherever you are, is the best place there is. Once you start comparing, there’s no end to it." (Sodo Yokoyama) Click to tweet

14. "Fear of change is a human instinct. Embracing change is a superhuman ability." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

15. "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." (Chinese Proverb) Click to tweet

16. "No state is so bitter than a calm mind cannot find in it some consolation." (Seneca) Click to tweet

17. "Rushing into action, you fail. Trying to grasp things, you lose them. Forcing a project to completion, you ruin what was almost ripe." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

18. "With no desire, at rest and still, all things go right as of their will." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

19. "If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it." (Osho) Click to tweet

20. "Attain peace with self-understanding. Attain self-understanding with silence." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

21. "Everything that happens is as simple and familiar as the rose in spring, the fruit in summer: disease, death, blasphemy, conspiracy… everything that makes stupid people happy and angry." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

22. "To shrug it all off and wipe it clean — every annoyance and distraction — and reach utter stillness. Child’s play." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

23. "The smarter you get, the more you appreciate silence."Click to tweet

24. "On average, the deeper people’s knowledge of a topic, the more calmly they talk about it." (Paul Graham) Click to tweet

25. "An infinite reservoir of cosmic wisdom resides in the depths of contemplation." (Roy Gillett) Click to tweet

26. "Relax. You’ll live longer and perform better." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

27. "Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present." (Alan Watts) Click to tweet

28. "To bear trials with a calm mind robs misfortune of its strength and burden." (Seneca) Click to tweet

29. "When completely relaxed, we experience the essence of our being, the deep silence that knows everything as it is." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

30. "We have a choice. We can spend our whole life suffering because we can’t relax with how things really are, or we can relax and embrace the open-endedness of the human situation, which is fresh, unfixated, and unbiased." (Pema Chodron) Click to tweet

31. "One thing we do know: life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment." (Eckhart Tolle) Click to tweet

32. "Short-term thinking makes people desperate, ungenerous, impulsive. Long-term thinking makes people calm, gracious, controlled. The mighty pyramids and cathedrals were built by civilizations with a long time horizon, so it is with the life of a great man."Click to tweet

33. "Let come what comes, and accommodate yourself to that, whatever it is." (Henepola Gunaratana) Click to tweet

34. "If you feel offended about something, you haven’t been meditating enough. If you feel the need to defend yourself, or justify your opinion, you haven’t been meditating enough. If you can’t take joy in sitting under a tree on a beautiful day, you haven’t been meditating enough." (Thibaut) Click to tweet

35. "Some time in your day today, try to turn off all the noises you can around you, and give yourself some ‘quiet time.’ in the silence, let yourself think about something. Or if possible, think about nothing." (Fred Rogers) Click to tweet

36. "You don’t solve a maze by rushing through. You have to stop and think. You have to walk slowly and carefully, reining in your energy – otherwise you’ll get hopelessly lost." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

37. "You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you need to breathe, calm down, look around, and improvise. Creativity is the key of life." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

38. "What you do not react to cannot drag you down in a futile engagement." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

39. "When seeking stops, seeker relaxes and stays in his natural state."Click to tweet

40. "Keep calm and carry on." (Winston Churchill) Click to tweet
Keep calm and carry on. (Winston Churchill);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

41. "There is peace even in the storm." (Vincent van Gogh) Click to tweet

42. "A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness." (Albert Einstein) Click to tweet

43. "All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone." (Blaise Pascal) Click to tweet

44. "I will be calm. I will be mistress of myself." (Jane Austen) Click to tweet

45. "It takes a calm mind to be able to consider things from different angles and points of view." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

46. "A calm mind makes us relaxed, improves our health and makes for happier families and communities." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

47. "Compassion enhances our self-confidence because a calm mind allows our marvellous human intelligence to bloom. When we’re angry, our thinking is distorted and we don’t see the different aspects of reality. A calm mind enables us to take a broader, more realistic view." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

48. "We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace." (Elizabeth Gilbert) Click to tweet

49. "To a mind that is still, the entire universe surrenders." (Zhuangzi) Click to tweet

50. "Calm seas never made a good sailor." (Franklin D. Roosevelt) Click to tweet

51. "I just feel that there isn’t enough silence, and i’m always asking people if they can just give some silence." (Fred Rogers) Click to tweet

52. "Today i escaped anxiety. Or no, i discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions — not outside." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

53. "Life isn’t as serious as my mind makes it out to be." (Eckhart Tolle) Click to tweet

54. "Unwind, relax, and deepen into the present moment." (Eckhart Tolle) Click to tweet

55. "Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Click to tweet

56. "The most effective way to convince people is quietly." (Yoko Ono) Click to tweet

57. "Calm is a superpower." (Brené Brown) Click to tweet
Calm is a superpower. (Brené Brown);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

58. "Still waters run deep." (English Proverb) Click to tweet

59. "Outward action and inner calm."Click to tweet

60. "Be calm. Be zen. You are buddha." (James Patterson) Click to tweet

61. "In the madness, you have to find calm." (Lupita Nyong’o) Click to tweet

62. "Take it easy, and remember “easy is right.”" (Osho) Click to tweet

63. "Learn to slow down. Get lost intentionally." (Tim Ferriss) Click to tweet

64. "More patience, more presence, less anxiety." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

65. "Always study to secure your permanent peace." (Publius Syrus) Click to tweet

66. "Be an island of calm in the sea of craziness."Click to tweet

67. "Train your mind to be calm in every situation."Click to tweet

68. "The only thing you control is how you respond." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

69. "Impatience with actions, patience with results." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

70. "You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather." (Pema Chodron) Click to tweet

71. "In a hyperactive world, stillness is the deepest rebellion." (Donna D’Cruz) Click to tweet

72. "If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place." (Eckhart Tolle) Click to tweet

73. "A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety." (Aesop) Click to tweet

74. "Don’t let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace." (Kimberly Jones) Click to tweet

75. "Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul." (Jiddu Krishnamurti) Click to tweet
Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. (Jiddu Krishnamurti);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

76. "Remember: we don’t control what happens, we control how we respond." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

77. "Do you pay regular visits to yourself? Start now." (Rumi) Click to tweet

78. "When you keep the peace with yourself, you also bring peace to others." (Rhonda Byrne) Click to tweet

79. "Being confident and outspoken is overrated. Being present and calm is underrated." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

80. "Having a calm and compassionate mind enables us to use our natural intelligence more effectively." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

81. "Live intensely, live totally, here and now. Paradise is not some place, somewhere. It is a peace within you." (Osho) Click to tweet

82. "The existence loves you, otherwise you would not be here. Relax into your being, you are cherished by the whole." (Osho) Click to tweet

83. "When the mind is calm, how quickly, how smoothly, how beautifully you will perceive everything." (Paramahansa Yogananda) Click to tweet

84. "Everything turns on your assumptions about it, and that’s on you. You can pluck out the hasty judgment at will, and like steering a ship around the point, you will find calm seas, fair weather and a safe port." (Marcus Aurelius) Click to tweet

85. "Don’t do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention. Enjoy and be one with your work." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet

86. "There are two things, to be and to do. Don’t think too much about to do – to be is first. To be peace. To be joy. To be happiness. And then to do joy, to do happiness – on the basis of being." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet

87. "Everyone at a high level has a huge amount of chess understanding, and much of what separates the great from the very good is deep presence, relaxation of the conscious mind, which allows the unconscious to flow unhindered." (Josh Waitzkin) Click to tweet

88. "Before embarking on important undertakings, sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts, and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of spirit." (Paramahansa Yogananda) Click to tweet

89. "Be a person on a mission. Move steadily toward your aim. Treat everything else as a distraction. Don’t be sidetracked by things that have no meaning in your life. Let your mission be the highest thing you’re capable of. Let it be the centre around which your life revolves."Click to tweet

90. "The further the reward from the effort, the thinner the competition. Patience is the gatekeeper." (Johnny Uzan) Click to tweet

91. "Our best and most lasting work comes from when we take things slow." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

92. "If you want to be effective in business, you need a clear, calm, cool, collected mind." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

93. "Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again." (Joseph Campbell) Click to tweet

94. "You can control so much of your state of mind just by breathing." (Justin Kan) Click to tweet

95. "The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat." (Jules Renard) Click to tweet
The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. (Jules Renard);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

96. "Relax, it’s a tweet." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

97. "Family vacations are the ultimate test of one’s equanimity." (James Pierce) Click to tweet

98. "Always ask yourself: “what will happen if i say nothing?”" (Kamand Kojouri) Click to tweet

99. "If solitude is the school of genius, then the crowded, busy world is the purgatory of the idiot." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

100. "Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face." (Manoj Arora) Click to tweet

101. "In dealing with fools you must adopt the following philosophy: they are simply a part of life, like rocks or furniture." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

102. "When working alongside fools, do not fight them. Instead think of them the way you think of children, or pets, not important enough to affect your mental balance." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

103. "Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows." (Michel de Montaigne) Click to tweet

104. "Relax: haters are secret admirers wanting to be you." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

105. "You can’t buy a calm mind, you have to earn it." (Shane Parrish) Click to tweet
You can’t buy a calm mind, you have to earn it. (Shane Parrish);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

106. "Until we know that death is equal to life, we live in fear." (Byron Katie) Click to tweet

107. "Happiness and sadness alike are an assault on equanimity." (James Pierce) Click to tweet

108. "The wise have self-understanding. The wisest have indifference too." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

109. "At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet

110. "The modern mind is overstimulated and the modern body is understimulated and overfed. Meditation, exercise, and fasting restore an ancient balance." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

111. "Doctors won’t make you healthy. Nutritionists won’t make you slim. Teachers won’t make you smart. Gurus won’t make you calm. Mentors won’t make you rich. Trainers won’t make you fit. Ultimately, you have to take responsibility. Save yourself." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

112. "The chaos you see outside is within you. It’s your own projection. When you’re calm from within, you cease to create chaos without. And even if the external chaos is there, it no longer affects you. The world is turbulent if you’re turbulent. It’s calm when you’re calm."Click to tweet

113. "Freedom is only for he who views happiness and sorrow as stray dogs barking in the night. Such a man needs neither self-help or spirituality. He needs neither fortune or blessings. For he lives the sort of life that almost no man can fathom." (Kapil Gupta) Click to tweet

114. "I’m not doing anything, and yet i’m also doing the most important thing a man can do: i’m listening to what i needed to hear from myself." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

115. "The very desire to find shortcuts makes you eminently unsuited for any kind of mastery." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

116. "It is the vice of a vulgar mind to be thrilled by bigness." (Forster) Click to tweet

117. "Do not view mountains from the scale of human thought." (Dogen) Click to tweet

118. "Next time you have to make a decision, be sure to breathe in and out first." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet
Next time you have to make a decision, be sure to breathe in and out first. (Thich Nhat Hanh);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

119. "If you want to travel the way of buddhas and zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing." (Dogen) Click to tweet

120. "Just study buddhism. Don’t follow the sentiments of the world." (Dogen) Click to tweet

121. "When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float." (Zen Proverb) Click to tweet

122. "Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself." (Zen Proverb) Click to tweet

123. "Only through constant self-awareness and self-knowledge can there be inward tranquillity." (Jiddu Krishnamurti) Click to tweet

124. "Once you stop seeking outside what’s already inside, you become free and calm." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

125. "The master takes action by letting things take their course. He remains as calm at the end as at the beginning." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

126. "It is not wise to rush about. If too much energy is used, exhaustion follows. This is not the way of tao." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

127. "Best be still; best be empty. In stillness and emptiness we find where to abide. Talking and moving we lose the place." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

128. "Using order to deal with the disorderly, using calm to deal with the clamorous, is mastering the heart." (Sun Tzu) Click to tweet

129. "There is a simple way to become buddha: when you refrain from unwholesome actions, are not attached to birth and death, and are compassionate toward all sentient beings, respectful to seniors and kind to juniors, not excluding or desiring anything, with no designing thoughts or worries, you will be called a buddha. Do not seek anything else." (Dogen) Click to tweet

130. "The ego gets what it wants with words. The soul finds what it needs in silence." (Richard Rohr) Click to tweet

131. "Zen is not some special state, it is our normal condition, silent, peaceful, awake, without agitation." (Taisen Deshimaru) Click to tweet

132. "The beauty of zen is found in simplicity and tranquility, in a sense of the all-embracing harmony of things." (Thich Thien-An) Click to tweet

133. "Prolong not the past. Invite not the future. Do not alter your innate wakefulness. Fear not appearances. There is nothing more than this." (Ram Dass) Click to tweet

134. "The wise speak softly, for their words do not attempt to convince." (James Pierce) Click to tweet

135. "The struggle is great, the task divine — to gain mastery, freedom, happiness, and tranquility." (Epictetus) Click to tweet

136. "When you understand something, then it naturally calms you down." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

137. "The measure of wisdom is how calm you are when facing any given situation." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

138. "Everything is fine until you believe it’s not." (Byron Katie) Click to tweet

139. "Silence gives us space to process our experiences." (Cati Vanden Breul) Click to tweet
Silence gives us space to process our experiences. (Cati Vanden Breul);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

140. "Life is not going to follow you. You cannot force life to be according to you. It is better to flow with the river rather than pushing it." (Osho) Click to tweet

141. "You are just a speck of dust in the universe. If you understand the context of your existence, you will naturally become silent." (Sadhguru) Click to tweet

142. "The highest form of grace is silence. It is also the highest spiritual instruction." (Ramana Maharishi) Click to tweet

143. "A busy life leads to many different places, but none of them are meaningful. A calm life is centered, slow and fulfilling." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

144. "Silence can often be more disturbing than noise, it reveals the complicated mechanism of our thoughts." (José Rodrigues Miguéis) Click to tweet

145. "One of the greatest sounds of them all – and to me it is a sound – is utter, complete silence." (Andre Kostelanetz) Click to tweet

146. "Rushed, manipulative, or opportunistic people find silence impossible, even a torture." (Robert Sardello) Click to tweet

147. "There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life." (Lin Yutang) Click to tweet

148. "When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

149. "It is only when the mind is completely still – and it can be still, you don’t have to practise or control – then there is harmony, there is vast space and silence." (Jiddu Krishnamurti) Click to tweet

150. "People don’t have enough silence in their lives because they don’t have enough solitude. And they don’t get enough solitude because they don’t seek out or cultivate silence. It’s a vicious cycle that prevents stillness and reflection, and then stymies good ideas, which are almost always hatched in solitude." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

151. "Learning to relax and conserve your natural energies is one of the greatest gifts you can offer life." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

152. "Silence is essential. We need silence just as much as we need air, just as much as plants need light. If our minds are crowded with words and thoughts, there is no space for us." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet

153. "By listening with calm and understanding, we can ease the suffering of another person." (Thich Nhat Hanh) Click to tweet

154. "No matter how busy you are, carve out time in your day to get calm, to think, to reflect, to be present." (Maria Shriver) Click to tweet

155. "We need, above all things, to slow down and get ourselves to amble through life instead of to rush through it." (Alan Watts) Click to tweet

156. "When you become a lover of what is, the war is over." (Byron Katie) Click to tweet
When you become a lover of what is, the war is over. (Byron Katie);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

157. "Being present means living without the need to control and always having your needs met." (Byron Katie) Click to tweet

158. "Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the universe." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

159. "No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see." (Lao Tzu) Click to tweet

160. "When you realize lasting happiness is an illusion, you finally find peace." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

161. "If you speak or act with a calm, bright heart, then happiness follows you, like a shadow that never leaves." (Dhammapada) Click to tweet

162. "A happy, calm, peaceful person, will make better decisions and have better outcomes. So if you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

163. "The more at peace we are, the more productive we can be." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

164. "Where virtue is, so too are happiness and beauty." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

165. "Happiness is the greatest enemy of equanimity, disguised as its greatest ally." (James Pierce) Click to tweet

166. "While happiness is found in the fulfillment of desire, equanimity is found in the absence of desire." (James Pierce) Click to tweet

167. "Sustained feeling of happiness is a myth. Freedom from the need for happiness is the doorway to inner peace."Click to tweet

168. "Praise others. It will bring them peace of mind. Do not expect others to praise you. It will bring you peace of mind." (James Clear) Click to tweet

169. "Let go of what has passed. Let go of what may come. Let go of what is happening now. Don’t try to figure anything out. Don’t try to make anything happen. Relax, right now, and rest." (Tilopa) Click to tweet

170. "A certain amount of ordinary laziness would lend our culture the pleasant mellowness which it singularly lacks." (Alan Watts) Click to tweet

171. "If my environment dictates my mood, then my life will feel like a roller coaster. The way to steady ground is through my breath." (Gabby Bernstein) Click to tweet

172. "Wherever you are, be there. Lifestyle is not something we do; it is something we experience. And until we learn to be there, we will never master the art of living well." (Jim Rohn) Click to tweet

173. "One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm." (Catherine Pulsifer) Click to tweet

174. "When we let go of the need to prove ourselves, nothing and no one can disturb the quiet and peace of our minds." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

175. "Profound inner peace is the result of discovering that you are already whole." (Iyanla Vanzant) Click to tweet

176. "Surely the only sound foundation for a civilization is a sound state of mind." (Forster) Click to tweet
Surely the only sound foundation for a civilization is a sound state of mind. (Forster);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

177. "You don’t have to meditate, but find a way to create space between your thoughts and yourself." (Johnny Uzan) Click to tweet

178. "When your inner commentary finally ends, your happiness can finally begin." (Brian Thompson) Click to tweet

179. "Silence is not just absence of sound, but also stillness of mind." (Brahma Kumaris) Click to tweet

180. "You can’t control your mind, but you can observe it. You can’t control your thoughts, but you can accept them. The fools try to control. The wise let go." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

181. "It feels like time slows down. When your mind is quiet, you enter into the flow of love, and you just flow from one moment to the next as naturally as breathing." (Ram Dass) Click to tweet

182. "Your life isn’t yours if you constantly care about what others think. If you’re not being true to yourself, you are not being true to anyone." (Thibaut) Click to tweet

183. "A calm mind is good for our physical health, but it also enables us to see things more realistically." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

184. "Sitting in meditation is an act of silent rebellion against a system built on convincing us that it isn’t safe to pause. That to be complete we must do this, or achieve that, or buy this, or wear that. The realization that “i’m okay just sitting here” is where freedom begins." (Jason Garner) Click to tweet

185. "When you are still within, all becomes quiet. When you are mentally quiet, awareness shines clear. When awareness is aware of its pure and undistracted self, all is well. This is what it means to be free." (Brian Thompson) Click to tweet

186. "When we are relaxed, we notice that we don’t need to perpetuate our suffering by dwelling on negative thoughts. It is a passing cloud in the sky of our awareness." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

187. "When the mind, the heart and the organism are completely in harmony there is silence." (Jiddu Krishnamurti) Click to tweet

188. "If we want to think better, we need to seize these moments of quiet. If we want more revelations — more insights or breakthroughs or new, big ideas — we have to create more room for them." (Ryan Holiday) Click to tweet

189. "Meditation is not sitting and fidgeting, daydreaming, worrying, or fantasizing. It means watching, calmly observing the mind itself. Calm observation makes the mind itself calmer." (Swami Rama) Click to tweet

190. "The art of listening comes from a quiet mind and an open heart." (Ram Dass) Click to tweet

191. "To be still is to be conscious without thought." (Eckhart Tolle) Click to tweet

192. "If the mind is disciplined, the heart turns quickly from fear to love." (John Cage) Click to tweet

193. "An emotional response to a situation is the single greatest barrier to power." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet
An emotional response to a situation is the single greatest barrier to power. (Robert Greene);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

194. "The greatest impediment to creativity is your impatience." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

195. "Emotions cloud reason, and if you cannot see the situation clearly, you cannot prepare for and respond to it with any degree of control." (Robert Greene) Click to tweet

196. "Don’t respond to provocation with imitation."Click to tweet

197. "Start by breathing, finish by accepting." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

198. "Don’t promise when you’re happy, don’t reply when you’re angry, and don’t decide when you’re sad." (Ziad K. Abdelnour) Click to tweet

199. "If you can’t have a calm discussion, based on logic and reason, leaving aside ego, anger and mockery, the journey of learning and growing, that leads to sustainable mental peace, hasn’t even started yet."Click to tweet

200. "If you’re going to pick 3 cards in the hand you’re dealt, take intelligence, drive, and most importantly, emotional self-discipline." (Naval Ravikant) Click to tweet

201. "All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself." (Eckhart Tolle) Click to tweet

202. "When we’re angry, our thinking is distorted and we don’t see the different aspects of reality. A calm mind enables us to take a broader, more realistic view." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

203. "Try as a first step to remain calm and count the days you haven’t been angry. I used to be angry every day, now every other day, then every third or fourth." (Epictetus) Click to tweet

204. "The less you respond to negative people, the more positive your life will become." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

205. "Be calm in the face of all common disgraces." (Gordon Lightfoot) Click to tweet

206. "Accept what is necessary with a calm spirit. What happens that is new or beyond belief?" (Seneca) Click to tweet

207. "In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside you." (Deepak Chopra) Click to tweet
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside you. (Deepak Chopra);  #CalmQuotes
Note: Calm Quotes That Will Bring You Peace

208. "Remaining calm and responding instead of reacting is a superpower." (Mel Robbins) Click to tweet

209. "We have the opportunity, even in difficult times, to let our spirit shine." (Jack Kornfield) Click to tweet

210. "Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options." (Simon Sinek) Click to tweet

211. "The road can be long and bumpy. Make your mind calm and gritty." (Maxime Lagace) Click to tweet

212. "It’s easy to have calmness in inactivity, and hard to have calmness in activity, but calmness in activity is true calmness." (Shunryu Suzuki) Click to tweet

213. "Frustration and failure are a part of life. If we do not flee from them but accept them calmly, we come to know what we need to do next." (Haemin Sunim) Click to tweet

214. "The more secure you become, the less power your insecurities have over you." (Cam F Awesome) Click to tweet

215. "Patience means allowing things to unfold at their own speed rather than jumping in with your habitual response to either pain or pleasure." (Pema Chodron) Click to tweet

216. "Be calm and strong and patient. Meet failure and disappointment with courage. Rise superior to the trials of life, and never give in to hopelessness or despair. In danger, in adversity, cling to your principles and ideals." (William Osler) Click to tweet

217. "There are always problems to face, but it makes a difference if our minds are calm. On the surface we may get upset, but it makes a difference if we are able to stay calm in the depths of our minds." (14th Dalai Lama) Click to tweet

218. "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. Keep aiming." (Paulo Coelho) Click to tweet

219. "The key is to quiet your mind while in mental hell and embrace whatever obstacle is in front of you with open arms. We must learn to conserve energy and to control the emotional and mental stresses of our setbacks." (David Goggins) Click to tweet

220. "Whatever happens, you’ll probably have to improvise, and failure of nerve is really failure to trust yourself." (Alan Watts) Click to tweet

221. "You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass." (Timber Hawkeye) Click to tweet

222. "The just man is most free from disturbance, while the unjust is full of the utmost disturbance." (Epicurus) Click to tweet

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